I look upon my work, every single cannon paintings of mine as being a small colorful universe… Who have not heard of the “Big Bang” theory? The ear shattering noise my cannon makes is about as loud of an explosion as you will ever experience without crossing the line of doing something illegal … : )
I believe I must be the only human being, who ever came to even close to be able to claim of creating his own universe, literally starting with a “Big Bang”…..!
Let my paintings speak for themselves. If there is anything else I can add to it, is that by using every color in the spectrum of the rainbow, I’m trying to interpret my wish of a universal harmony of togetherness for all of us, no matter who we are, how we look or what is our origin…
What makes these cannon paintings even more exciting, is that I add metal shapes to it in the form of planets to create a true three dimensional look of my art. The holographic grinding techniques in color on the metal was first developed by myself in 2006. I called it ” Rainbow Art “. Since then my unique work is recognized worldwide, may they be in the form of wall mounted art or standing eight foot tall outdoor sculpture designs…
Dozens of so called “artist” claim the style of my work as their own “original” since. I challenge anyone to prove me different, but every one of these colorful metal wall sculptures you see right here on eBay or on the internet is an imitation of the style of my original colorful technique and work, even though that the “artist” is doing his/her best to make it somewhat different looking… Metal shops are mass-producing my colorful “rainbow” designs by the thousands either in this country or elsewhere… but mostly what you see on the internet are coming from places like India, or imported directly from China… All you need to do is to Google “metal wall art”! Yes folks, I have mixed feelings about this, somewhat I’m proud of the fact that all these people are walking in my shadow, but it is very frustrating at the same time. Well, if I did not tell you, you would not know of any of this… I’m still waiting for the day, when even one of them would mention, that they got inspired by my work… judging the character of these people, I do not think of holding my breath… : )
Those of you who may ask why the cannon?
Well… are Jackson Pollock’s techniques come even close to the uniqueness of my banging away, either with the cannon, or with my six shooter?… : )
Do I represent, or mean anything by choosing this unusual method?
Yes, first let me tell you that my heart is heavy by thinking of the human suffering in the many war raged countries of our planet… The weapons of aggression and destruction that I symbolically use to create my art with, are instrumental to express my wish that everyone may live in peace and togetherness, just as the stars and and the planets co-exist in the Universe…
What does all of this have to do with the Civil War era?
Again, my love of freedom, peace and the thought of a Peaceful United World is influenced by this great historical period. As most of us know, one of our greatest leaders ever, President Lincoln saved and united this country by winning the Civil War. We would not have the United States today as we know it, if it was not for the determination and the leadership of Mr. Lincoln. Not to mention, that he ended the slavery also and freed all those suffering people whose only guilt was the color of their skin… So you see, through my work I try to symbolize the possibility of the wisdom so many of us share worldwide, that my dreams could be achieved. I would like to add that as we sit down in front of a painting and let our imagination wander, I only hope that my art, every one of my “Little Universes” may assist your thoughts on your intellectual journey… Let it fly!
Alex Kovacs
Civil War Cannon Art by the Noted NY Artist Alex Kovacs.
Civil War Cannon Art #18, by Alex Kovacs, Metal Wall Art, Sculpture – AK416
DIMENSIONS: 30″ x 24″ x 2″ DEEP
About this unusual art of Alex Kovacs:
I look upon my work, every single cannon paintings of mine as being a small colorful universe… Who have not heard of the “Big Bang” theory? The ear shattering noise my cannon makes is about as loud of an explosion as you will ever experience without crossing the line of doing something illegal … : )
I believe I must be the only human being, who ever came to even close to be able to claim of creating his own universe, literally starting with a “Big Bang”…..!
Let my paintings speak for themselves. If there is anything else I can add to it, is that by using every color in the spectrum of the rainbow, I’m trying to interpret my wish of a universal harmony of togetherness for all of us, no matter who we are, how we look or what is our origin…
What makes these cannon paintings even more exciting, is that I add metal shapes to it in the form of planets to create a true three dimensional look of my art. The holographic grinding techniques in color on the metal was first developed by myself in 2006. I called it ” Rainbow Art “. Since then my unique work is recognized worldwide, may they be in the form of wall mounted art or standing eight foot tall outdoor sculpture designs…
Dozens of so called “artist” claim the style of my work as their own “original” since. I challenge anyone to prove me different, but every one of these colorful metal wall sculptures you see right here on eBay or on the internet is an imitation of the style of my original colorful technique and work, even though that the “artist” is doing his/her best to make it somewhat different looking… Metal shops are mass-producing my colorful “rainbow” designs by the thousands either in this country or elsewhere… but mostly what you see on the internet are coming from places like India, or imported directly from China… All you need to do is to Google “metal wall art”! Yes folks, I have mixed feelings about this, somewhat I’m proud of the fact that all these people are walking in my shadow, but it is very frustrating at the same time. Well, if I did not tell you, you would not know of any of this… I’m still waiting for the day, when even one of them would mention, that they got inspired by my work… judging the character of these people, I do not think of holding my breath… : )
Those of you who may ask why the cannon?
Well… are Jackson Pollock’s techniques come even close to the uniqueness of my banging away, either with the cannon, or with my six shooter?… : )
Do I represent, or mean anything by choosing this unusual method?
Yes, first let me tell you that my heart is heavy by thinking of the human suffering in the many war raged countries of our planet… The weapons of aggression and destruction that I symbolically use to create my art with, are instrumental to express my wish that everyone may live in peace and togetherness, just as the stars and and the planets co-exist in the Universe…
What does all of this have to do with the Civil War era?
Again, my love of freedom, peace and the thought of a Peaceful United World is influenced by this great historical period. As most of us know, one of our greatest leaders ever, President Lincoln saved and united this country by winning the Civil War. We would not have the United States today as we know it, if it was not for the determination and the leadership of Mr. Lincoln. Not to mention, that he ended the slavery also and freed all those suffering people whose only guilt was the color of their skin… So you see, through my work I try to symbolize the possibility of the wisdom so many of us share worldwide, that my dreams could be achieved. I would like to add that as we sit down in front of a painting and let our imagination wander, I only hope that my art, every one of my “Little Universes” may assist your thoughts on your intellectual journey… Let it fly!
Alex Kovacs
Civil War Cannon Art by the Noted NY Artist Alex Kovacs.
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